Sunday, January 27, 2013

Amityville Board of Trustees Meeting Tomorrow Night

The Village Board of Trustees will meet on January 28th at 8pm in the Village Courtroom.  This is a public meeting.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

If Your Bank Is Not Releasing Your Insurance Money - Contact Suffolk Co. Leg. DuWayne Gregory

In the aftermath of Super Storm Sandy,

“Is Your Bank Not Releasing Your Insurance Money?”

Even after Sandy’s high waters receded, some residents going through the arduous process of rebuilding their homes now find themselves being traumatized all over again. But this time because they are having difficulties getting their bank to release their insurance money. To determine just how wide spread this problem is and if homeowner protections are needed, Suffolk County Legislative Majority Leader and 15th district legislator DuWayne Gregory (D-Amityville) wants to know if your repairs are being held up because your bank has not yet allowed you to access your insurance money.

If you’ve experienced this problem DuWayne urges you to contact him, regardless of where you live in Suffolk County. You can call DuWayne’s office at (631) 854-1111, or you can email him directly at

~Posted from

Monday, January 21, 2013

MLK Day / Inauguration Day

Photo by NPS

Martin Luther King Day is usually recognized as a day of service, but this year it is also symbolic.  An African-American man was inaugurated as president on the day honoring a man who lived and died for equal rights in this country. In essence, if it weren't for MLK and the civil rights movement, someone like Barack Obama would not have the opportunity to be president. Regardless of political affiliation or views, it is a historic day.  What do you think this means?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Raffle for a Family Pass to the American Museum of Natural History

The Children's Department of the Amityville Public Library is raffling off a family pass to the Museum of Natural History.  All you need is a valid Amityville Library card to enter.

Amityville Parking Permits Available for 2013-2014

The new Amityville railroad parking permits are now available for 2013-2014.  Permits may be purchased at the Village Hall - $30 for residents and $250 for non-residents.  Please bring a photocopy of your registration.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Long Island Mocha Moms Interest Meeting

Mocha Moms, Inc. ( is a support group for mothers of color who have chosen not to work full-time outside of the home in order to devote more time to their families and communities.  The Long Island interest group for Mocha Moms is having meet & greet information sessions on Thursday, January 17th in Valley Stream and Sunday, January 20th in S. Huntington. 

Kid Friendly Meet & Greets
Registration -

Thursday Jan. 17th
11:30 am-1:30

Henry Waldinger Memorial Library
(children's program room)
60 Verona Pl
Valley Stream, NY 11580


Sunday Jan. 20th

South Huntington Public Library
(general area of children's section)
Pigeon Hill Rd
145 South Huntington, NY 11746

Contact for more info.

FEMA Disaster Assitance Deadline Extended to January 28th

Hurricane Sandy survivors in New York have until Jan. 28, 2013 to register for federal disaster assistance.

Disaster Recovery Centers are still open in most designated counties where FEMA and SBA specialists are on hand to answer questions. To find the nearest recovery center, the following options are available: Text DRC and a Zip Code to 43362 (4FEMA), and a text message will be sent back with the address. Also, check out the Disaster Recovery Center locator at

Individuals can also find a recovery center – and register for disaster assistance – online at or via smartphone or tablet by going to or by downloading the FEMA app. They may also call FEMA’s helpline at 800-621-3362 or (TTY) 800-462-7585. People who use 711-Relay or Video Relay Services (VRS) should call 800-621-3362. The toll-free telephone numbers operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week until further notice.

For more information on New York’s disaster recovery, visit,, and

This information was made available by

Monday, January 7, 2013

Register for Winter Library Events Beginning January 8th

If you have children and you are available during the day, check out the Amityville Library calendar for lots of free events throughout January, February and March.  Registration starts tomorrow, January 8th, and is open to residents with a library card.  Classes include: Toddler Tango, Baby Boogie, and Play Hooray with Molly Mouse.  For older kids, check out Cupcake Challenge and Paint Like Matisse.  Sounds like fun!;jsessionid=1C1BEC9D144DCC0E32336948CB818289?lang=eng&suite=1

Friday, January 4, 2013

Diabetes Self-Management Training Program

This information was taken from the Mercy Medical Center website:

Continuing to address one of the most pressing public health concerns facing Long Island and the nation, Mercy Medical Center is offering winter sessions of its outpatient Diabetes Self-Management Training Program.

The four-session programs will be conducted in both January and February. Each begins with an hour-long individual assessment for each participant, followed by three weekly group workshops. Group sessions will be conducted in January on Tuesday afternoons from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. and in February, Tuesday evenings from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Each participant also receives a group follow-up session approximately three months after the program ends.

Those who can benefit from the program include both individuals recently diagnosed with diabetes and those who have been living with it for some time, along with those who are confused about what to eat, those having difficulty controlling blood sugar, those who have experienced serious consequences of the disease such as vision or foot problems, and those who want to maximize energy, improve emotional well-being and prevent complications.

The program is most often covered by Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance.

For information call 516-62MERCY.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Ultimate Teen Party on January 6

ORT America is having a teen party on Sunday, January 6 from 11am to 4pm @ the Huntington Hilton in Melville.  There will be a flash mob with American Idol Star Jackie Tohn and the party is free.  See the website to register:

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

5 Keys to Successful New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year's Amityville!!

 Photo by Sean MacEntee
Many of you returned to work or school today.  Some of you created New Year's resolutions that 92% of you will break.  I've been guilty of it myself.  I have learned a few steps to making and keeping successful resolutions and I would like to share them with you:
1. Keep It Simple
Make simple, practical resolutions that are realistic.  Example: If you are a couch potato who wants to work out, don't resolve to work out everyday; plan to work out for at least 30 minutes per week. You have flexibility to do this for 30 minutes once a week, 15 minutes 2x per week, or 10 minutes 3x per week, etc.  Whatever works for you.
2. Make Them Visible
Post them on your bathroom mirror so you can see them everyday. It is easy to forget resolutions after a few days.
3. Tell Others
Making your resolutions public is like a safety net that you will be reminded of them.  You want something positive to say when people ask you about your resolutions at a later date. Knowing that you've told others helps to keep yourself accountable.
4. Don't Give Up After Setbacks
Losing a battle doesn't mean you lost the war.  People screw up sometimes, but we dust ourselves off and get back on board.  Don't give up if you miss a week of working out or you ate too many jelly donuts.  Tell your self it was a minor setback, not a failure.  Listen to "We Fall Down, But We Get Up" by Donnie McClurkin if you need inspiration.
5. Re-evaluate Resolutions Periodically
Evaluate your resolutions monthly to make sure they are still relevant.  If you decide that some of your resolutions are not appropriate anymore, delete or change them.  It's that simple.  Example: You resolve to go to boot camp classes once a week during your lunch break, but work has been so crazy that you have to work through lunch everyday.  That resolution is dead for now: no need to feel bad about it. Your job took a higher priority.  When things lighten up you can add it back.